If you are not contented with where your life is or is heading, you always have the wonderful option of asking God to take the wheel. Why would we fear handing over control to the best navigator in the universe and the one who knows absolutely what is best for us and He loves us more than we will ever fathom?
Seems kinda like a no brainer. Or you can sit and stew and complain and blame everyone else. The latter has an attraction to it… we don’t have to take the blame for our own situation, but it leaves us in the same helplessness and hopelessness.
God is there. He is. He is as near as your thoughts and desires to rescue people from the ravages of a world full of sin and selfishness. All you have to do is come to Him on his terms. Just remember, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
If you would like to discuss this or other matters with me, email me at jimshaul.com or after I am sure of who you are we can chat on FB messenger.
For His Glory,