Hey All!
Bullying has been around since Cain and Able. Anti-bullying campaigns have been around here in the U.S. for a couple of decades. We all hate bullying… except for the bullies. In the last fifty years, there have been many groups of people targeted by bullies, and all of these efforts to rid our society of this scourge are to be applauded; but there is new target group in our society: conservative Christians. This is not news to you. You have seen it and read about it. In light of this, I have thrown in with a ministry called Trinicy (see them at www.trinicy.org) and they exist to be a support for conservative Christians who experience bullying in schools.
To improve their support services, we are working together to create some specific-anti bullying training materials to help the students, the faculty (we also got bullied), and the parents of the students.
What we need is stories. I am asking you to send me first or second-hand accounts of conservative Christians being bullied in school. These would be accounts of events involving you or people who directly told you their account and are willing to have you share it with us.
Please keep the accounts short – just a synopsis (a paragraph or two) and include ONLY the target person’s initials to protect their privacy. These will be used in training materials with no personal names or school names included.
If you have some of these and would like to join in our efforts to stop campus bullying, please email them to me at jimshaul@gmail.com.
I thank you in advance.
For His Glory,