For freedom did Christ set us free: stand fast therefore, and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage. Gal. 5:1
If you spend much time on the internet and social media, you are probably visually assaulted with messages about how this country is on a path characterized by the government taking away more and more of its citizens’ freedoms. I tend to agree that we are heading down that dark road.
It is interesting to me, though, that many of those who cry our to have their freedoms protected, are already under bondage and don’t seem to be aware of it or care about it.
The Apostle Paul declared that all humans who are children of Adam are born in sin Read the stuff in Romans leading up to 6:16). He went on to assert that we are all in bondage to one of two things – either sin or righteousness. in Romans 6:16 he says, Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? If you yield yourself to sin, your fleshly desires, and therefore to the forces of darkness, then you are slaves to it. On the other hand, if you have been taken captive by Christ and are born anew into His righteousness, you are a slave to righteousness.
Two Options and only two.
If by some miracle and/or a great uprising and reversal against the current trajectory of our country, the citizens of this country hold onto the freedoms we have under the constitution – and yet do not come to a place where Jesus makes them new creatures in Him and sets them free from slavery to sin, their gains will be both fleeting and shallow. Christ sets us free for the true freedom our souls need and hunger for.
Hold on to your constitutional freedoms? Of course! It is better to be a free citizen than one under tyranny. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking that such a state has set you free from the worse and more insidious slavery … to sin.
If you would like to communicate more with me on this issue, feel free to email me at
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Peace Out
I enjoyed reading your thoughts and you identify some very good and simple principles that can be used when sharing the Word of God. Thank you for your wise words.
Your words of affirmation mean a lot to me, Catherine!