This is written specifically to those 4 or 5 of you odd-ducks who actually follow what I say (God knows why anyone would!).
I am asking you to do something … something for yourself, not for me. I am asking that not only would you read the content of my posts (which are witty and insightful – just ask me) but also to look carefully and compare the tone of what I say with the tone of those who respond – especially those who disagree with me (and they are legion). You see, I am not only here to inspire clear thinking about things, I am here to engender respectful dialogue. I sincerely believe that there are forces that want to destroy our nation and one of their most effective tactics is to cause a gaping and festering division in our society. Those of you who believe that what we have in this country is worth saving, I encourage you to not only stand for truth, but to strive for unity. It can be found. Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” My emotions get charged a lot when I post and receive aggressive and harsh responses. I am not Mr. Spock; but like him, I consider that – at least sometimes – answering out of those emotions does more harm than good. I endeavor to give gentle answers. Not mammy-pamby sugar-coated answers, but answers that are firm, truthful, and spoken with gentleness. It has been amazing to see that many people respond in kind and end up being willing to have a honest discussion and respectful debate.
I do not have all the answers. Only God does. I am open to not only learning – but unlearning my errors. I just ask that you treat me as a fellow human and a fellow citizen who wants the best for all people and for our nation.
If you would like to communicate further about this or any other issues, please email me at and we can chat. We can also chat on Messenger once I know who you are.
If you would like to read more of my thoughts, please visit my blog: and follow me there.
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For His Glory,
Jim Shaul